The storytelling lesson


Put story first.

Let story lead.

Relentlessly prioritize story, because it will always win over viewers above all else.

Aim for impact.

Ultimately, the best videos tell a compelling story, have superb technical execution and aim to make a meaningful impact.

Add conflict.

People love drama.

For better or worse, people are innately captivated by drama and tension, so try to integrate it into whatever type of video you’re making.

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Use the classic narrative arc.

The best way to weave conflict into your videos is through the classic narrative arc, which builds viewer’s investment in your story through a struggle that crescendos to a climax.

Ask a question.

Try to frame your video’s topic as a question, asking which conflict your video answers for viewers.

Use mystery.

add something unexpected.

Strange stuff stops viewers in their tracks, so look for ways to add mystery and suspense to your videos.

Subtlety works, too.

Of course, weirdness wins eyeballs when it’s sensational (ahem, Youtube), but subtle choices like shot sequencing or soundbite selections also add intrigue.

Emphasize emotion.

Give folks the feels.

Pinpoint which emotions you want viewers to feel during different parts of your video, and let that dictate your your technical decisions.